Solving reCAPTCHA V2, invisible reCAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA v3, reCAPTCHA enterprise, GeeTest, FunCaptcha, Turnstile, Captcha Task (Bypass any captcha type) and the classic image captcha at the cheapest prices

Our team has 10+ years experience in the following fields: programming, API's, assembly, networking, OCR and much more.
We'll provide you the smoothest captcha solving experience you'll ever experienced !
We are the best in solving any type of reCAPTCHA. Don't believe us try it for yourself !
You dont have to emulate browser just send us the key and domain we will send you the response back.

Easy API integration

Our API libraries will help you achieve an easy integration with your own software
We have libraries for the most popular languages, but we'll keep adding more


100% human recoginition

We're having our own typing team from all around the world.Our dedicated team can solve all your captchas in seconds


Always up to date

We care about our clients and we're always checking for the latest updates done by Google when it comes to ReCaptcha. We're in trend with the latest captcha techonogies too


24x7 Support

We provide 24x7 online support to our customers. Get at us through our website contact form
Our response time is few hours and we're always happy to assist you

Statistics for customers

RateSolving speedService loadWorkers online
Per 1000 image captchasNormal captchasNormal Captchas queueNormal captchas
Current rate per one captchaAverage solving time last minuteIn queueOnline workers


* Whichever package you get credit for, it's interchangable.
Eg. You can get credit for recaptcha, and use that credit for image captcha too and vice-versa.

$ 2 /1000 recaptchas

  • V2, invisible, v3 and enterprise
  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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$ 3 /1000 enterprise recaptchas

  • V2 and V3
  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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Image Captcha

$ 0.6 /1000 images

  • manual solving
  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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Geetest V4

$ 1 /1000 captchas

  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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Geetest regular & Capy

$ 1.5 /1000 captchas

  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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FunCaptcha (Arkose Labs)

$ 2.5 /1000 captchas

  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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Turnstile (Cloudflare)

$ 1.8 /1000 captchas

  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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Captcha Task

$ 2.5 /1000 captchas

  • ANY captcha
  • API libraries
  • 24/7 support
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API libraries

Easy Migration from other services to our service

This helps you to use our captcha solving service with any major software

2captcha,DBC and anticaptcha API support

Our gateway supports text captcha,Recaptcha v2 all types

Promote our service and Earn 10% commission on captchas solved by others. Be our partner !

What Clients Say

Stephen L.

regular client
"You might be used to get some latency in captcha solving ... that's what happens with most captcha services...
Not with this one !"

Georgiana S.

automation hobbiest
"Been in need of a captcha service lately, and Best Captcha solver looked promising, so I gave it a try. Don't have to worry about captcha anymore :D"

Mark P.

"I don't usually deal with captcha solving, but recently a friend recommended me and huh ... I gotta say, I was positively surprised"

Get in touch

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us and we'll respond within few hours