Solving reCAPTCHA V2, invisible reCAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA v3, reCAPTCHA enterprise, GeeTest, FunCaptcha, Turnstile, Captcha Task (Bypass any captcha type) and the classic image captcha at the cheapest prices
Our team has 10+ years experience in the following fields: programming, API's, assembly, networking, OCR and much more.
We'll provide you the smoothest captcha solving experience you'll ever experienced !
We are the best in solving any type of reCAPTCHA. Don't believe us try it for yourself !
You dont have to emulate browser just send us the key and domain we will send you the response back.
Easy API integration
Our API libraries will help you achieve an easy integration with your own software
We have libraries for the most popular languages, but we'll keep adding more
100% human recoginition
We're having our own typing team from all around the world.Our dedicated team can solve all your captchas in seconds
Always up to date
We care about our clients and we're always checking for the latest updates done by Google when it comes to ReCaptcha. We're in trend with the latest captcha techonogies too
24x7 Support
We provide 24x7 online support to our customers. Get at us through our website contact form
Our response time is few hours and we're always happy to assist you
Statistics for customers
Rate | Solving speed | Service load | Workers online |
Per 1000 image captchas | Normal captchas | Normal Captchas queue | Normal captchas |
Per 1000 reCAPTCHAs | reCAPTCHA | reCAPTCHA queue | reCAPTCHA |
Current rate per one captcha | Average solving time last minute | In queue | Online workers |