Become a partner

How does it work ?

There are 2 ways to promote and get paid.

1st way would be through referral URL. We provide you with a unique referral URL and when somebody registers through that URL, you get paid for every successful captcha solved by the user

The 2nd way to get paid would be to send the affiliate_id along with captcha submissions, to our API. This is great for developers.


What's the comission I'm getting ?

If referred through URL (only), you get paid 10% from the amount the user spends with our system

Same if you send your affiliate_id with the captcha submission request, affiliate gets 10%

In case the user got referred by an affiliate through URL and an affiliate_id was also sent with his captcha submission, system with increase the earnings for both users, with 5% for each.


What details do you provide ?

On the /account page you can find all the affiliate information such as: invited referrals, current earnings, total earnings, referrals list and more.


What's the minimum payout ?

When your current earnings get to $1, you can request a payment.


What payment methods do you accept ?

We can pay you through folloing: BTC, Perfect money, Advcash, PayPal

You can select multiple payment options, when requesting payment.


How do I get paid ?

Once you have at least $1 in your current earnings, you'll be able to request payment from the /account page

You can always see the number of invited referrals, and a list of usernames from the same page.


How long does it take to get paid after request ?

Under 48 hours.


What do the current earnings and total earnings mean ?

Current earnings show the earnings you got so far, since your last payment or since you've created the account, if you haven't got any payment yet.
Total earnings refer to all earnings, since working with us.


Are there any restrictions ?

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to refer yourself and profit from the 10% referral rewards based on your own earnings and expenditure.


Are there any banners available for promotion ?

Yes, we're having two sizes, vertical and horizontal, which can be found here